Thursday, January 12, 2017

Allegation/s (and another poem)

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Two bits of verse that i just wrote on facebook:

Allegation/s (a poem)
another poem
close on the heels of the one i just wrote
(it was a facebook update that turned into imitated synctactic verse)....

just to state a few seemingly obvious stances:
if people in one's immediate surroundings
deliberately attempt to indulge in devious methods of communication
(like i said, immediate surroundings being: while in one's presence)
and do so with no explanations
(and one isn't talking about artistic communication among friends, or small children who might unconsciously imitate adult behaviour), or about when linguistic forensics skills are called into play while reading or writing works of any kind (such literature is analysed as and when relevant, if at all).
but about those either deliberately mirroring (and/or stonewalling) one,
or deliberately, and, without explanation or preface, exhibiting random behaviour, (most often, to one's detriment), then there is definitely cause to doubt aspects of integrity at some level or the other.
usually with petty origins.
(more specifically, check my facebook note on Day 1, Dasara 2016).
they do so at their own peril.


dear those sending me linkedin invites!
a politician can't really have work contacts, that's conflict of interest.
even when one doesn't actually hold a post.
that's been my policy so far.
everyone's a social contact....
and nothing 'matlabi' or selfish about it
if/when we're on the same page
supporting the goal of achieving world peace
via good governance.
my loss, your gain
as always
(at a personal level).
inter-galactically, no doubt,
we rule!
(no points for guessing who hogs the credit,
not me, so far).

...the attainment of which is not an ego-need,
but its a logistical nightmare
when appropriate credit isn't accorded
and causes and effects are misinterpreted
or not factored in, to use parlance

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