Tuesday, November 03, 2015


By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Having accessed
a thousand-plus
almost everyday
in the recent past
and so
having exhausted
and renewed
the data-plan
Also, in part,
to tricksels of pixels
of the billionosphere

The iris
was trained
An inter-galactic

Now, this differentiates itself
from the muse
And talks to one
from the pews
of the

At the outset
i'd say avaunt-
go scurry
-tabulate their ramblings
into a matrix,
a sort of grid
-the worthies on an axis
And on the other:
citations, doctrines, pearls
of the constituent assembly,
the law commission
(Just to rid the plebs of all confusion,
and to ensure there's no ommission
While reading.)

Now back to what
One thinks

The legislature and exec
were all within their right
to expect
to have a stake in the process
Of handling the justice-delivery mess.

However, it might've been
a bit extreme
(to say the least),
to have slipped in clauses
that allowed the beast
of democracy to make
future amendments
Without a by-your-leave
to the
Constitutional Amendment

And p'raps
The manners
and the provisions pertaining to their eminences
Should've envisioned
something more elaborate
at that stage
rather than leaving the rules (poetic for details)
to alleged crooks
and assorted fools.

All in all, it's the parl's domain
But one can hardly complain
If their lordships have
plugged a gap
(Deftly, i must add),
To call for a sap
Yeah, that's a strategy
And an action plan.

We're buying
some time,
spouting some words
Occupying garden benches,
and sun-bathing mats,
Listening to the sonics
of senior bats.

Having reinstated

The zombies in the circular house
Must, no doubt,
this flame arouse
(and, ironically, douse).

Without any hesitation,
we reiterate
-we are one nation
So let's hope we're over-heard
And an appropriate legislation
(Or amendment)
Is preferred
without much delay.