Saturday, May 04, 2019

Notes from the Trail - 2

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

And the signs can be
quite loquacious

Like when doing the hairpin bends

Holding forth on indigenous peoples worldwide
Including India and its neighbours

Poll-time connections
-parties fighting corruption
-indigenous, -upholding systems, -Rights....

And the obvious name/s bandied about
these days
such as the tehreek-e-insaaf (what a party!)

And almost on cue, hearing this, perhaps,
Out jumps a monkey onto the road,
makes a ball-shining-action
that the cricketing world would understand
(and, I suppose, so would channel-switching homo sapiens)

In this context- Quadri!!!
left arm offspin bowling
another party
another game
not cricket,
and some sort of spirituality