Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Network Earth and Beyond

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

from my facebook wall of today:

another pome
this time from home
from me in india
(and to the reading non-english-speaking enthusiasts:
please don't rely on my grammar and spelling...
in these abstractly-rendered
yellings - or typings - or whatever).

so the day will dawn earlier
on earth
than on the hearth
at number sixteen
the first time the white house's seen
a recce by the non-political class
-top brass
soon to step in
to slightly diminished flipflops
but hawaiis nevertheless
even on a cold day

no problem with the heating?
and one hears they'll be greeting
      at the front door all ready
and waiting....
(thanks, jackie, for the interior decoration tips
from continuity to continuity
and from your aristocratic trips
before the advent of
modern-day veganism
and other political correctnesses!)
(ye olde worlde order definitionally subverted by now!)

and now for the gems:
legal opinion handed over
in tech-bound poetry
no less
that's how it is
at this esteemed appointment-house
your highness

article two, section one, clause eight
wait, wait!
this be the american constitution
(hereby nonchalantly claim one's expertise
and string thou on with researched ease)

(bung in the quasi federalness of our fast-expanding empire
and you get the big picture)

so twixt the land of the star-spangled banner
and the dharti-asmaan-zameen-antarix and beyond
of hamara bharat mahan
the spirit of our

key differences:
the harmonious one first:

you are free to join us,
we pirouette and/or stand at ease
and go nowhere,
but do assimilate.
so that sorts out
the secession bit.
no conflict, cando.

then, the bit on secularism.
we provide the option of solemnly swearing, or swearing in the name of god
(for heaven's sake!)
you folks
forsake the holy joey bit
and insist on rubber (god in punjabi, i gather from a daler mehdi song).
(though one of your chappies did throw in a bit about an almighty
no record of it, i'm afraid
and just as well
in terms of garnering all-round
common minimum consensus

fair enough
for governance
and so we co-operate
-in the name of bizness?!-

bring on the magic oath!

to preserve, protect and defend
the Spirit
of our Constitutions
on Earth
and beyond!

One Love: i, me, myself!

(now you know what to amend)
or slip in at the end

Addendum a few hours later:
Socialism is inherently implied, you seeeeeee

Sunday, January 15, 2017

punjab elections and other matters (poem)

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

the latest from my facebook wall!

(written after having surfed my twitter feed, and on having read a snippet or two of india-news connected to my party and punjab elections; an elocution competition, and other news from punjab, as far as the beginning of the poem goes)

punjab elections and other matters (poem)

be it elocution, be it politishun, i have the script, jee.
it shall be read, and we might win instead
and if not, we'll try for a less beastly scene...
esp since shru recited
a fairy went a-marketing
but that was in class teen!
no bourgeois responses to this, please
i would
rather prefer
an appeal to the atmosphere
to retrieve me lost poetry book, cloth-bound
(from giggles, those days, not archies)
and perhaps even the unlocatable book that grates
the one with poetry
that was written
after the one about the golden gates!
(sourced from gal-go-tia's those days)
-a part of a prize
which reminds me of wright
and so
of things lost; literature (read and created)
and the deity
and fest
where the belief is that you go there if you've lost something.
so a magnifying glass, and a microscope and a telescope
and a few ayes
to regain
paradise! (chronicles of empire)

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Allegation/s (and another poem)

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Two bits of verse that i just wrote on facebook:

Allegation/s (a poem)
another poem
close on the heels of the one i just wrote
(it was a facebook update that turned into imitated synctactic verse)....

just to state a few seemingly obvious stances:
if people in one's immediate surroundings
deliberately attempt to indulge in devious methods of communication
(like i said, immediate surroundings being: while in one's presence)
and do so with no explanations
(and one isn't talking about artistic communication among friends, or small children who might unconsciously imitate adult behaviour), or about when linguistic forensics skills are called into play while reading or writing works of any kind (such literature is analysed as and when relevant, if at all).
but about those either deliberately mirroring (and/or stonewalling) one,
or deliberately, and, without explanation or preface, exhibiting random behaviour, (most often, to one's detriment), then there is definitely cause to doubt aspects of integrity at some level or the other.
usually with petty origins.
(more specifically, check my facebook note on Day 1, Dasara 2016).
they do so at their own peril.


dear those sending me linkedin invites!
a politician can't really have work contacts, that's conflict of interest.
even when one doesn't actually hold a post.
that's been my policy so far.
everyone's a social contact....
and nothing 'matlabi' or selfish about it
if/when we're on the same page
supporting the goal of achieving world peace
via good governance.
my loss, your gain
as always
(at a personal level).
inter-galactically, no doubt,
we rule!
(no points for guessing who hogs the credit,
not me, so far).

...the attainment of which is not an ego-need,
but its a logistical nightmare
when appropriate credit isn't accorded
and causes and effects are misinterpreted
or not factored in, to use parlance