Friday, March 20, 2015

Land Lore

written and posted on Facebook yesterday (19th March, 2015)

Land Lore

today, i write from the grand durbar
lets take no chances
we're way into the required action!
time to take charge
and bring each faction
into line.
land laws, water-wars, administration counts.
sign up, sign up, memorandum 'n all
don't just sit there and bawl (wait: the protests must continue as well)
but do the needful, although time might tell.
there are a number of reasons for which this must go to a committee
fashionable or not,
and irrespective of whether or not
people have read the Hermes mythology
(monaco biscuits, english loaves, appetite now
for more invisibility cloaks
to eavesdrop on all of humanity
-spare me!)
think of a good chairperson
one who (obviously)
shouldn't be swayed
by personal agendas
and who's got a good nose
for the gender-justice
or the differently-abled and inter-generational
that's the priority
and the context
from which to view all the other vexed aspects of this subject.
then, of course, one who is adept at chairing sessions in an unbiased manner
with a good rapport with MPs and parties of every demeanour
and not personally dogmatic with decisions and views
all in all, one who can find the proper consensus
-might make sense to make a shortlist of such people from the current pool
yes, yes, we're still talking legislative matters: focus is the rule.
(speaking French needn't be a criteria, but there's got to be unprecedented
support extended by the secretariat
to seek inputs, translate and collate them, assist the chariot
and ensure that nobody's sidelined.)
haha, it should go to a committee
are there any doubts?
Trash the ordinance; set up a time-bound parliamentary committee
i don't see reasons to delay the timing, all that'll do is have the opposition whining
with consequences.

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

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