Monday, July 01, 2013

Exotic Transition

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Here's a poem from my collection of writings in the 1980s and '90s. This one's called Exotic Transition, and i was reminded of it because it's about the colour purple, one that suddenly seems to be in vogue now. This was written on the 4th of January, 1990.

Exotic Transition

Mauve mellow breezes
drifted into time
And cast a net of purple shades
From earth's deepest purple caves
to the ultra-violet skyline.

Lavender-perfumed moonlight
caught the amethyst eyes of a swan
as it moved on
in the river of wine.

It was the reign
of the colour divine.

It could kill and it could thrill
the heart and soul of man.
And so it came,
the purple time.
And man wondered
whether it was dawn or dusk.

It was dusk.
It was dawn.
The new would come
The old would be gone
                                                                  - V. Shruti Devi


satya said...

nice it flows in rythm

david keivom said...

yes purple it was:

purple jeans
purple hearts
purple haze >>>