Friday, July 04, 2008

Puri On My Mind

Big wheels are turning
by the shore today
Hands pull chains
The Saalwood moves
Non-timber forest produce
Trees of yore.
The DNA of a peahen
Run through these feathers
An island breeze
swirls in,
and brackishness
harbours rare species
by the mind’s lagoons.
the poet
on a moonless night
Purna Chandra
on his celestial journey
this day
would write
-seize the light


Anonymous said...

lovely... took me back to the Jagannath temple, and the chandrabhaga by the temple in Konark. Nice play with carpe luminum!

V. Shruti Devi said...

thanks,'s a tiny tribute to my mom's dad who passed away a couple of years ago- he used to write a poem every year for the Puri Rotho Jatara, and in the past, his village, Daspalla, used to provide wood for the chariot from their forests...their ancestors were from an island on a salt water lake, and they were said to be descended from peahens and peacocks...thought this might help with deciphering one layer...will leave the other layers to you!
btw, i've looked at some of the stuff you've been writing- very nice (and very prolific!!)

Anonymous said...

Ah... I was wondering about the peahen allusion. I remember visiting one salt water lagoon and taking a boat to the island far out in it... lake chilika I think it was. It was very exciting then to see all that water, landlocked as our life was in Delhi..! Yes, I love the stories about how the roth is made... from a neem tree that smells of sandalwood...! Glad you are enjoying my little, everyday notes.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely great Shru, such a touching tribute to your Grandad.....and, of course, all your references made it so much easier!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful imagery... :-) like your style!