Thursday, August 01, 2024

Happy Landings, Developmental Blitz (extracts from my forthcoming book, CANVASSING ART contd.)

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Happy Landings, Developmental Blitz (written in the form of a Blitz)

Bombard development

Bombard education

Education with meaning

Education to free them

Free them, not make robots

Free them so they can soar

Soar to wherever they want to go

Soar to the moon, to space, or to no particular place

Place the basics of health-care

Place doctors, diagnostics, medicines, machines

Machines delivered by drones

Machines for telemedicine without depriving

Depriving them of their medicinal plants

Depriving anyone of ultra-modern remedies

Remedies of the law,

Remedies to access rights

Rights bestowed by the Constitution

Constitution of our Nation

Constitution as we interpret it

Interpret it and be sure to mete

Interpret it to mete out justice

Justice for you and me

Justice that will set them free

Free minds

Free people

People inhabit these vales

People expertly work these forests

Forests consist of diverse geographics, trees

Forests have definitions, have we made these?

These dictionaries

These pictionaries

Pictionary would do better

Better wall-art

Better craft

Crafting documents based on views

Crafting art-forms beyond paper

Paper tigers, real ones too

Paper planes to caper down

Down below, the woods approach

Down to the tarmac we do descend

Descend from the clouds

Descend from the fog

Fog out mosquitos

Fog’s not the answer

Answer the finer questions of culture

Culture’s our dance

Culture’s our gear

Gear up, it’s the agency

Gear up for some uphill tasks:

Task One.


By V. Shruti Devi


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