Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Aum Chanting ...sneak previews contd.

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

AUM CHANTING (written in the style of a Pantoum)


I chanted, I painted, the Mantra divine

Began with aum bhoo, all that is

Micro, macro, elemental spine

Things as they are before they fizz


Began with aum bhoo, all that is

Then intoned aum bhuvah, interactions of matter

Things as they are before they fizz

Turn to blendings, mergers, imbroglios that splatter


Then intonated aum bhuvah, interactions of matter

Before raising the level to aum swaha, the interplay with one

Turn to blendings, mergers, imbroglios that splatter

Mooladhara, Swadisthtana crossed, now the Solar Plexus to stun


Before raising the level to aum swaha, the interplay with one

Sounds purify nerves: electric, magnetic, there’s more

Mooladhara, Swadisthtana crossed, now the Solar Plexus to stun

Stunned, rarefied, climb to aum mahaha, the heart, the annahata’s lore


Sounds purify nerves: electric, magnetic, there’s more

Aum janaha, the throat chakra, Vishuddha, blue

Stunned, rarefied, climb to aum mahaha, the heart, the annahata’s lore

Surmount it, and the voice-box will speak true


Aum janaha, the throat chakra, Vishuddha, blue

Paint splashes to canvas, synchronous creator

Surmount it, and the vice-box will speak true

Once it has, you’re aum tapaha, ajna meditator


Paint splashes to canvas, synchronous creator

Aum satyam, truth, with starscapes you may now be in synch

Once it has, you’re aum tapaha, ajna meditator

You’ve painted a graph, you’re whatever you think.


By V. Shruti Devi



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