Thursday, October 11, 2018

Dasara Musings

The kind of things
that paint the religion
or way of life
or whatever it is
in a most unintended light:

First off,
it's Dasara
-more of the Goddess-worship kind in these parts
Than the killing of the ten-headed dravidian srilankan meditator
though its the same festival

And what better 
to notice these magnified flaws
than when things play out
at a fest.

One of the aspects 
of the Goddess
is supposed to be
Ugra- ferocious, righteously wrathful

Which is all fine, when you listen to a hymn dedicated to the occasion
that beseeches the divine feminine to wake up, awaken (before spelling out her wonders and praises and putting forth all the right anecdotes
and then beseeching her, nay pleading with her
this and that).

The eagerness 
to mingle
in this world
with the Divine
-to create earthly
with the Imagined
makes zoo-goers of humans in their own environs:

I wouldn't be surprised
if its more people's bright idea
than we realise
If they take it upon themselves
to deliberately 
poke all manner
of instigation
at women
during this time
in an attempt
to stir up
some anger
that might be deemed
or who knows
necessary even,
to get the plot right.

Niche ways in which superstition
defeats a cause
Other than routine matters
as observed
over centuries,
such as thinking it necessary 
to please the clergy
such as they/it might be,
though at least on that front,
the existence of the Constitution
and modern-day law
to rein in.

As one records these thoughts
at past one am
with the first rain 
of Cyclone Titli 
creating a constant beat,
butterfly-coincidences come to mind:

Mind-control, human will, rights, the journey of science....
To a layperson,
mathematical theories
that rule matter
are understood 
as an indistinguishable mass
of superstitious beliefs
for now