Wednesday, November 11, 2015


By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

happy divali! wrote this today, and posted it with images on my facebook wall. :).

This year, i thought i'd order
a solar lamp
here at the border
'tween orissa and andhra.
liberty lamp seemed an apt moniker
of all the products
i'd viewed
(e-commerce, i tell you!)
-holds solutions for consumers
once our rights
are put in line.
the lamp arrived and stood in the sun
soaked in celestial light for fun
and perhaps for a little spark.
the candle-mode, 
it works ok
the brighter look
is more of a solar flare.
i'm all for solar grids, you see
but in the meantime
this liberty lantern
for drink and dine.
has a hand-crank as 
the literature says.
USB ports and other ways
to charge your phones, computers, all.
in-bound, out-bound
the wherewithal
to work on starlight
and dispel
the darkest hour.
Oh, well.
here are two images
but there'll still be
a finer power:
might charge our shells
hi-fi, sci-fi, not quite what you think:
don't have to mine 
don't have to quarry
-that's primitive tech
for this scientific age.
we have advanced
it's not restricted
to the world
of postage
or daily wage
here's the irony:
science has the answers
technology's lagging behind
and i suspect it's to do with the sponsors
the possible
of those who plan the economy
-makes for a deadly combination
the corrupts (sic) of the nations
and beyond.
happy diwali, all!
-let there be light.
(infact, there shall).
My travels begin on the morrow
and i'll see you soon!

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Refined Committees Vs Helter-skelter Legalese

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

the past-masters
of collations.
be it nbsap
or JPCs
or all sorts of democratically elected committees
(conducted in good faith
and fettle).
this is why
one said, yesterday,
that the leg. is the leg.
and the bats
should stick to their

Tuesday, November 03, 2015


By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Having accessed
a thousand-plus
almost everyday
in the recent past
and so
having exhausted
and renewed
the data-plan
Also, in part,
to tricksels of pixels
of the billionosphere

The iris
was trained
An inter-galactic

Now, this differentiates itself
from the muse
And talks to one
from the pews
of the

At the outset
i'd say avaunt-
go scurry
-tabulate their ramblings
into a matrix,
a sort of grid
-the worthies on an axis
And on the other:
citations, doctrines, pearls
of the constituent assembly,
the law commission
(Just to rid the plebs of all confusion,
and to ensure there's no ommission
While reading.)

Now back to what
One thinks

The legislature and exec
were all within their right
to expect
to have a stake in the process
Of handling the justice-delivery mess.

However, it might've been
a bit extreme
(to say the least),
to have slipped in clauses
that allowed the beast
of democracy to make
future amendments
Without a by-your-leave
to the
Constitutional Amendment

And p'raps
The manners
and the provisions pertaining to their eminences
Should've envisioned
something more elaborate
at that stage
rather than leaving the rules (poetic for details)
to alleged crooks
and assorted fools.

All in all, it's the parl's domain
But one can hardly complain
If their lordships have
plugged a gap
(Deftly, i must add),
To call for a sap
Yeah, that's a strategy
And an action plan.

We're buying
some time,
spouting some words
Occupying garden benches,
and sun-bathing mats,
Listening to the sonics
of senior bats.

Having reinstated

The zombies in the circular house
Must, no doubt,
this flame arouse
(and, ironically, douse).

Without any hesitation,
we reiterate
-we are one nation
So let's hope we're over-heard
And an appropriate legislation
(Or amendment)
Is preferred
without much delay.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Panchami Day This Dasara

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

strolled into the semi-ruined quadrangle
where the twin-sword deities
were placed till 2003 AD.
this panchami day

greeted unusually by
a feline
that ran to the closed door
of the mixed tiles
of peacocks
and fruit.

from there,
to scamper
into the old, dark area
with carved wooden
that could well be buddhist or jain or hindu
or none of the above
or martian even

on this, a day of saturn
clad in black and recycled
and amethyst.

on the net
one reads
that its the day of the worship of skanda devi who rides a lion
and that skanda
was also a general
of the chinese-buddhist tradition

thereafter, walked through the orchard.
the feline
having chased noisy poultry
and then onward
to the sacred grove
of tulsi-plants and multi-hued flowers

plucked some tulsi
boiled, infused, pepper-water
and now bound
to prepare one's own lunch
& Ors.

Monday, October 12, 2015


By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

we are known
to have descended
from the cerulean-blue-peacock-sky
the mahalaya 
to begin with.
the third eye knocks.
eye of the tiger
sounds and fumes and thought-matter
the status quo
in consciousness
heralded in
by science
racer-backs, gowns
from silk to silk
hurtle through the wormhole
a magnetic
is the trick.
from theta to delta
and so on
your holiness
celestial bliss
rock on
rhinestones, spatikas
sieves by rivers
galaxies swirl
-glittering eyes of infinite
shimmer fleetingly.
the tyranny of
and suchlike
to be kept
in check

Monday, June 29, 2015

A year in Kurupam

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

A year in Kurupam
(written on 29th June, 2015, Kurupam)

The afternoon storm rolls in
as i type
into this laptop
on an antique marble round-table at which i sit everyday
facing the terrace
and the old repaired bloc
that i’ve written verse
in the context of fruit bats and ruins long ago.
And the hills and trees.

Struggles against quarrying, mining, land and rights:
Orchestras heard, reverberated
A continuum.

Greater focus now
on gender-justice
in socio-economic planning.

A thunder-clap just heard
as i declare
that one
has been here since forever
And also
since exactly a year ago from today
(coincidentally, last year’s Jagannath Rath Yatra date).

in the avatar
of Democratic Princess of the Palace
(alliterative, that, but also Fort).
(As compared to earlier postings:
-people’s princess; ambassador to delhi and elsewhere)
And so on!)

Surfing the tech n media wave
For all it’s worth
And perhaps
calling a few shots.

Here, mostly in solitary splendour
holding fort and connected.

That would’ve been the destination and envy
of many a monarch
that might’ve chased Empire
through the course of the history
of this planet.

Not amused
by subtle surveillance:
remote frequencies: sounds, odours, thought and dream projections
of pressures being exerted
on surrounding troupes
local factors, petty actors, no doubt.

Is this how a mansabdari system
talks to its Empress?
(One only approves
of direct, straightforward forthright communication
in the realm of direct communication
-even reality theatre should be Declared to be as such
Or it degenerates
into deceit).

Grim measures
-though nature’s treasures
compensate somewhat,
conjuring epic grandeur
from drudgery (ill-defined)
esp when thought of
in the light
of the masses.

This last bit
of reasoning
a narrative
with its own constraints.

A trick for the altruistic:
To calibrate the charisma
(esp when not in the running
for sainthood and the like).

Strike out, watch out,
a whistle’s a chant
-pierces though flutes,
wanders through stars.
~poetry~ put today’s writing into another perspective, i share with readers, a verse that i wrote in 1996:

KURUPAM – WAIT FOR ME (written on 5/4/1996 in New Delhi)

The earth, it moves so quickly now
And i’m so far away
The sun and night
They come and go
While winds of change blow through those trees.
Women and men
They also sway
Struck, perchance, by some global breeze....
“Waste no time but lead me there
There, to do as Nature decrees.”
[“Nay, tarry awhile
Perhaps there’s something here today
Which is why you’re here.
Here, so far away.”]

Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Equinox 2015: Fort Kurupam and Many Worlds (Mystical)

Spring Equinox 2015: Fort Kurupam and Many Worlds (Mystical)

from the high priestess
of the earthen empire
today, we chant of ashes and also of fire.
there's a holy season on
with sanskrit rituals being performed
on time
but the dreamscape brings forth prayers
from a different clime: the Buddhist Sampa Sadhana
was embedded in some muscle
and heard
and so today, its been surfed to and posted
from a random search of sites that have hosted
such mantras.
sharing it
here on my facebook wall
(a link)
and i think
i've located
a relevant
on immolations by tibetan monks
that i'm
without fear or favour
Inida, China, their minds might waver
when you look deeper
into the Odiyana question.
From the valley of Swat
to the grand Hyatt
oases and ravines en route
the ever-expanding empire
will spiral through
and render the uncouth
at least.

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Once Upon A Watering-Hole On World Water Day

Once Upon A Watering-Hole On World Water Day

sticking with the diary theme
but not quoting directly
since it's a publisher's dream
(hint hint!).
however, bits n bobs i now scatter
such as the matter of Mary Malone
Spanish, Swiss n French
Many Indian languages, all in a sense
chillin at an Irish tent
aeons ago, but on 22 March!
now i find the song's on youtube
-been addressin' their Caliph
for some years i find
trillions of hits
but only today did i wind my way
to the particular rendition
(there's a poster with a mention
of Robinhood!)
Kangaroo courts might work for Oz
but please do note
here, we strive to walk the tightrope
when it comes to justice-delivery.
Unlike the executive and legislative wings
that might function like pizza delivery,
when it comes to applying the rules of natural justice
you need checks and balances to keep a watch on quirks
and this is how the unliveried
Supreme Intelligence

(oh my goodness!
it's also the birthday of His Holiness!!!)
By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ugadi greetings n all 2015

Ugadi greetings n all 2015

my diary entry
of 21st March (Sat), 1998
is as
"Went with Jenni and Nandini 
to North Beach-
Italian dinner.
Walked through Chinatown,
drove past Fisherman's Wharf,
drove through
the crookedest street".
(i've just changed the syntax
for my beat).
as for lunch arrangements
one cooks up a daily storm
or plain weather
Kaar seva of sorts
workwise- on an even course
for now.
so Ugadi subhakankshalu
and all manner of greeting
the Navaraatra begins today:
wiccan folk are out to play
who made who
and who is who
a picnic song is on it's way
shuroo shuroo
kiya jaayey
yay yay yay
a chant's in line
thunder, lightning, sun n stars
women were from Venus, men were from Mars
ajeeb hai logic, aisee waisee
abh research karo

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Land Lore

written and posted on Facebook yesterday (19th March, 2015)

Land Lore

today, i write from the grand durbar
lets take no chances
we're way into the required action!
time to take charge
and bring each faction
into line.
land laws, water-wars, administration counts.
sign up, sign up, memorandum 'n all
don't just sit there and bawl (wait: the protests must continue as well)
but do the needful, although time might tell.
there are a number of reasons for which this must go to a committee
fashionable or not,
and irrespective of whether or not
people have read the Hermes mythology
(monaco biscuits, english loaves, appetite now
for more invisibility cloaks
to eavesdrop on all of humanity
-spare me!)
think of a good chairperson
one who (obviously)
shouldn't be swayed
by personal agendas
and who's got a good nose
for the gender-justice
or the differently-abled and inter-generational
that's the priority
and the context
from which to view all the other vexed aspects of this subject.
then, of course, one who is adept at chairing sessions in an unbiased manner
with a good rapport with MPs and parties of every demeanour
and not personally dogmatic with decisions and views
all in all, one who can find the proper consensus
-might make sense to make a shortlist of such people from the current pool
yes, yes, we're still talking legislative matters: focus is the rule.
(speaking French needn't be a criteria, but there's got to be unprecedented
support extended by the secretariat
to seek inputs, translate and collate them, assist the chariot
and ensure that nobody's sidelined.)
haha, it should go to a committee
are there any doubts?
Trash the ordinance; set up a time-bound parliamentary committee
i don't see reasons to delay the timing, all that'll do is have the opposition whining
with consequences.

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

In Defence Of Intelligence

In Defence Of Intelligence

back to my favourite topic:
let me tell you
you can't just command
people to leave their homes
in a democracy.
Then what would be the difference
between that
and the army
taking over
like in smaller neighbouring countries
tell me please
is that what we want?
definitely not.
so for as to not let the system
go to rot
we have to make sure the systems work.
nobody shirk
your duty
to your nation and very importantly
to future generations.
ms shrutidevi has lots of friends
but to get the exact trends
of what people think and want
she would know
as she roams around
quite a bit
please read her poems
and see what you can gauge
even if its in the english language.
But better still would be
if brighter sparks such as we
could peruse the fine-print
on her political blog.
you see, it is almost an emergency
this ordinance, the previous act
all smack
of patriarchy, fascism what-not
and has to be all brought
to a better, more logical conclusion
ask only v shruti devi her detailed views
that's the only way to avoid confusion
is what i today think.
older and wiser
and with only dues
towards the Almighty
(who am i to refuse!)

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

A Birth Anniversary

A Birth Anniversary

mum's dad (aja's)
birth anniversary is today
he'd have turned
eighty-four (my tenth-standard Hindi score)
had he been around,
and there'd have been some laughs.
his early retirement from politics
led him to other trysts
with books and ideas, explorations of many worlds
that he'd been introduced to
back in the Rajkumar College
the one at Raipur
where they were trained to administer and to rule.
come independence
and the family made the unusual choice
of joining the congress party
instead of the other one
towards which most of the other rajahs and maharajas made a beeline.
of his stint in parliament
he had many anecdotes
and of the time
he went around the world in fashionable coats
(as seen in the pictures and black and white reels)
- he was an avid photographer,
had set up a dark room
and presented me with my first camera
when i was very, very little.
made me a member of the wizbiz club
(a Telegraph corner for kiddies of the era).
Was interested in hypnotism, ventriloquism, spirituality
and stationed himself in Vizag (my grandma's town)
-a longish drive from his one-time kingdom in Orissa, Daspalla
(the hotel on the premises in Vizag's named after it, and makes
the best dosas in town, i can tell ya).
That's also in the Eastern Ghaats
- lands where Lord Jagannath's worshipped,
the harbour-town from where goods are shipped out and so on.
Helped to set up the local Jagannath temple, became the President of the
Ramakrishna Mission, Vizag
Went on occasional evening drives to vendors of newspapers, juices, gadgets
and mags.
Had a number of shikar-stories from the olden days
With his feet on a moodah (the same one on which one stood at age four-plus
shouting vote-for-Congruss),
he'd tell us stories
of beats and bisons, jungles, bullets and pythons.
Later, when i'd ushered in delegations
(as i choose to describe them now).
Development-sector experts, students, professionals
people from many worlds
he'd hold forth on those very many stories
sitting in this lush Dutch bungalow
where the architecture sings syncretic glories
right here in Visakhapatnam
where i now sit and write
(am here from the village
for a day and a night or two, visiting).
He, most exceptionally,
adapted to technology.
Was certainly no mathematician or scientist
But was an avid surfer in this coastal town
chatrooms, icq, hotmail, he did astound
by this ability to keep in touch.
sent out new-year cards diligently designed
and embellished with personalized hand-written lines.
-an exceptional soul
in changing times!
Odes to Lord Jagannath he wrote in literary style
A whole lot of them in Oriya
that were performed during many a Jaganath Rath Yatra
-always intended to publish and to record
never did, but The Lord's been kind
the songs are famous nonetheless
amongst humankind!
(one attempted a couple of translations into the English language
but as a Shakespearean actor, he might not have taken to the meterless shine).
Was not at all amused by communists
but was enthused to find me on TV
asking for a Forest Rights Act
emailed me instantly
suggested that i should appear often
on that medium
even offered me the constituency that was once his in the distant tedium.
four years after he passed on
i did make my first trip
to his village Daspalla,
and did equip myself
with the feel
of the zeitgeist
which, to me, was the same deal
as other areas here in the eastern ghaats, to be sure
though he'd been the MP of Bhuvaneshwar.

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Friday, March 13, 2015

I Land In The Ocean

I Land In The Ocean (and pardon the puns)

with all due respect
(a phrase that, in life, one also uses before the bench)
today i'm looking at the other suspect
of who uses such jargon
parts of our extended clan
(though don't forget, the earth's my span
for now).
a sort of reverential greeting
has always sounded like
to me at such meetings.
while hukum obviously
begs the question
of howcome
as heard by southie aunts
while registering
the counter-grammatical stance
that that would involve.
i stand absolved
of these niceties
and somehow manage to please
the company.
this brings me to the east india question
(the closest i've come
is the possession
and imbibement
of volumes from [yon] [the] times
of our empire's recession.
And black n white photos
from the selfsame age
that also heralded the postage
and so on).
(Its an interesting sign of the times
that some of these snaps
are back on one wall
at least
here at Fort Kurupam
- the centrifuge that plays the drum
these days).
Oh my!
Oh, me?!
anyway, having wished people on their registered birthdays
i discovered a while ago
that there are ways
in which princesses could expand empire
take the entire debate
one nautch higher
with their expertise
more in the region
of growing trees
and grassroots, please,
as far as democracy goes.
now we're on our toes
watching the Indian Ocean
craning our necks,
looking out for fisherfolk, sea urchins, all subjects
of the tiara and the arc
placid times, pacific spark.
the nitty-gritty
and devil's details
might be well understood
by those in veils
while simultaneously
cooking up a storm
for complicated recipes
that might be their daily norm
before making it
to the dining-table:
we'll row our boats
to where we're able.
this shall be negotiated peacefully
on multi tracks
just remember that chinese healers
aren't exactly quacks
(and neither are we)
not even when it comes
to democracy!

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Waka Waka

Waka Waka

Talking of my worldpeace project
(the self-styled one, lest you forget)
yesterday i watched the cardinal of manila
bein' interviewed on the tella.
while he was answering questions
quite astutely
displaying an intention
to be progressive
championing rights
quite impressive
it behoves one to mention
that the questions asked
were bang on target
i'm sure even Margaret
(from the days of Maggie)
would've agreed
'tis time to rein in
this breed.
which brings me to my other alma mater
not the catholic school
(you phools) wink emoticon
but the church of england-
-my college (where i gained a bit of knowledge)
The point being made
is that it's about time
for the non-pagan world
to call a spade a spade:
while it might be high science to say
that mary was true in her own way
'tis quite another matter
to force one's will
on populations
to not take the pill
or use rubber
or whatever.
(As they apparently do in the Philippines
But not in India and elsewhere, those philistines!)
And on top of that
to force
the flock
to not divorce.
so since we already have
a whole lot of global conversation/s
on state/s of nation/s
and opinions
in the books of human rights
-figuratively speaking.
its now possible for the so-called
christian world
to come together
and recognize the realm/s
Of Darkness Visible.
that's outer-space to you:
-UV rays and spectrum, broadband and the lectern/s
from which natural resources are debated.
how these arguments play out
would then be a good shout-out
to the administrative world
to do its job
without fear or fervour.
This too shall pass
into the swirled tinsel-way:
we're humans.
human rights are in our DNA
And these corrections might be made
by a greenish thought
in a greenish shade.

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Monday, March 09, 2015



hear, hear, all ya crowd
zoomin' in
to proclaim loud
once again
one's views on a governmental scheme
which only serves
to feed a team:
its called
its here in india
(egad, egad)
(as in cringe, cringe)
- all it does is
push to the fringe
all the work
meant for a legislator
while the holder of the seat
invests all their time and energy, goodwill and zeal
to oversee
the doling out of moolah
(legally, with criteria, and transparently)
for works be done
in the micro region
the state administration should be doin':
led by proper consultations
- also known
effective local government
is what should be happening
a small road here, a bridge there, or a culvert that might need repair.
these are the things that this scheme entails
keeping legislatures occupied with micro trails.
justified mainly by the honest MPs (and MLAs)
who need to stay in touch
with the people
without spending money
even if nobody's being selective
or getting predictive
about who gets these little contracts.
On two counts, i've always rejected this scheme:
it's the first big hindrance to pushing the local government theme
when it comes to within
political parties
it puts the
sitting member
at an odd sort of advantage
over other types of candidates
who speak to and for the mass
but whose troops cannot afford
to be the volunteer class.
time to do away
with the Local Area Development Scheme!

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Of Garb

From a recent Facebook post of mine...and posted here to mark International Women's Day.

Of Garb

oh well
it seems to be
world women's day
and so i feel obliged to say
a thing or two
on this forum
without much thought
or, for that matter, decorum
since i could spout these lines
in all states of theme and dream
defined by choices
that might appear extreme
to some.
there's this word that's been echoing around
mindsets, mindsets
-the rallies abound.
and that's the Mindset
-the centrepiece
across races, climes and gods:
humans' attitudes
towards their bods.
scientifically (and non-judgementally) speaking
bodies are shells
with no subjective value/s attached
to how they're thought of, looked at, or, you know, watched.
However, when these things start to infringe
upon the body's movements, its comfort and things
such as violation of its space and parts
-that's when societies start
to play their role.
In the areas where i live and roam
i've (since childhood), seen people, not far from my home
walking around in scanty cloth
both men and women
-without a thought.
no divine elevation of any gender
-just matter-of-fact weather-defender-like
One has seen this transform over the decades
to a need for garments over time
primarily to counter and to meet
the influx of the industrial fleet.
alas, that inescapable middle-class
(of which, no doubt, one has been a part
-On certain counts)
calls the shots
for what's normal to wear.
the poorest and richest have sartorial notes and elements to compare
(Of which, too, one is a part:
Rankfully, the people's princess
and field marshall
of one's thoughts):
why does the wearing of revealing clothes
by people
cause people
to be offended
in modern society?
it also implies
that if a person
is (even if beyond the person's will)
by the other's presence
-then what?
Then, the extraneous power equation
between the two individuals
plays out.
This tacit understanding
dictates how people dress.
And if its the Market
that determines your address,
then it had better be one
that supports attire
that relegates male chauvinism
to the appropriate pyre.
But now to talk
of aspects
of some
so-called tribal societies
and attitudes towards
not bought, but free and fair
(read Paraja, there's an English translation),
then compare
the situation with those
who struggle
for jobs
to get married
so that they can have sex
even if it means adding to the population
in a largely overpopulated-by-human-beings-world.
Hasn't the planet arrived at an impasse
where its time to raise a glass
(and a policy-structure)
in favour
of the non-reproducing class
Especially when a likely side-effect
would be a safer world
for the rest of the mass?

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Monday, February 02, 2015

East Calcutta Wetlands, written on 17th May, 2002

By V. Shruti Devi (quill-o-the-wisp)

Greetings on the occasion of World Wetlands Day!

Today, i choose to upload a poem i wrote after having made a field visit to the East Calcutta Wetlands, then on the outskirts of Calcutta, as a part of a workshop connected to India's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan-making process.

This was emailed to colleagues, and i now share it on this blog. Enjoy!


Casting about for conversation
I vote in
Fancy lights and fashion
Chandeliers and passion
Reflect, deflect
The river and the glass.
Clink, drink and make no haste
Here unfolds the tale
of this repast.

Fish and mustard
Macher jhol
Cooked to perfection
Bowl for bowl.
Fresh and juicy
Caught this evening.
Well caught, well caught
Well, you could sneak a peek

Why, where are they found?
Where do they swim?
Which creek?
(Visions of crystalline blue,
I'll wager,
Danced past those feasting eyes.
Charmed assembly lines of carp
                            and other fins
Swished and swam
past bulrushes
beneath rainbows
then obligingly into a shimmering net
perhaps a can.)

About to shoot an illusion
I rope in
Fish-food and nutrients
Possible traces of pollutants
Chew, eschew
The water and the sewage.
Think, link and bridge the gap.
Recycled nutrients
From crap to crap.
Acres and acres
Four feet deep.
Cultivating fish
Often losing sleep.
Gaurd-houses on stilts
Bamboo watch towers
Murky silence neath murky stars.

Well, you could sneak a peek
Why, i'll stick to the menue*
Glad they recycle nutrients
Far from this venue.


by V. Shruti Devi, written 2002.

3rd Feb., N.B.: One edit made by way of the *